Basic to Intermediate Petrophysics

May 1 - 2, 2025 • Saskatchewan Energy and Resources Core Examination Facility - 201 Dewdney Ave. E.

*subject to change without notice

Petrophysics integrates various geoscience and engineering fields. This two-day course offers an overview of petrophysical basics, focusing on open-hole logging, subsurface environments, and core-log data integration before addressing more complex reservoirs. Participants gain an understanding of the constraints and limitations associated with operating in the borehole environment. Several log examples will be used covering principles in describing reservoir properties such as porosity, mineralogy, saturation, and hydrocarbon type in clean reservoirs, shaly sands, mixed carbonates, and shale reservoirs. Cross-plotting and reconnaissance techniques using core and other external data are used to differentiate between different lithologies and fluids. Additionally, participants work in teams on log interpretation exercises gathered from various Western Canadian examples to gain practical experience.


Topics Covered

• Introduction to Petrophysics: Basics of petrophysics and hydrocarbon equations.

• Open-Hole Logs: Understanding typical logs and rock properties.

• Density and Neutron Logs: Integration for qualitative lithology indicators.

• Porosity Fundamentals: Defining and measuring porosity. 

• Resistivity Logs: Key principles and appropriate water saturation models. 

• Core Analysis: Log integration methodology, RCA vs SCA, pitfalls, Permeability, etc.

• Advanced Petrophysical models: Shaly sands, shale reservoirs, and mixed carbonates.

• Petrophysics Tools for Geoscience: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Spectroscopy, etc.

• Net Pay methodology and conflicts


Learning Level

• Entry to Intermediate


Course Length

• 2 Days – 8:30 am -4:30pm - May 1-2



• $1,000.00 (Early Bird to March 15)

• $1,200.00




meet the instructor

Kelly Skuce

Chief Petrophysicist

CORE Petrophysical Consulting Corp


Kelly Skuce is a seasoned petrophysicist with significant experience collaborating with and leading multi-disciplinary teams of specialists and geoscientists. He possesses extensive expertise in both conventional and unconventional fields, spanning from exploration to development, in capacities as both an employee and consultant. Additionally, he has considerable experience in the petrophysical evaluation of geothermal, CCS, and helium developments. Kelly earned his Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of Saskatchewan and currently holds the position of Chief Petrophysicist at CORE Petrophysical Consulting. Moreover, he has served on the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) Board of Directors as VP Education. Kelly is a registered Professional Geoscientist with APEGA and APEGS.


Kelly is dedicated to promoting mentorship and education in petrophysical techniques and core-well log integration wherever he works. He began teaching basic log analysis courses internally at various companies throughout his career and expanded to external instruction in 2014 for the CSPG Student Industry Field Trip. He has also presented at prestigious conferences, including the 2013 CSPG GeoConvention and the 2014 SPWLA Topical Conference, where he advocated for petrophysical education for geoscientists through his talk titled, “Conversational Petrophysics: Increasing Petrophysical Competencies and Integration for Geoscientists”.